Keramiska tecken

Keramiska tecken

 CERAMIC SIGNS Ceramic signs are bands formed in earthenware clay or porcelain clay and then glazed in both matte and glossy glazes. The signs can be placed together in groups or individually against walls or floating in the air. The sizes vary from 20 cm to the...
Blända Illustrated Publikation

Blända Illustrated Publikation

Blända illustrerad publikation Till grund för publikationen “Bländaprojektet” finns fotografier och texter som dokumenterar projektets olika delar. Dessuitom finns det en samling texter skrivna av olika personer som på olika sätt knyter an till det Blända...
Foot Prints

Foot Prints

Foot prints In the work Splint I have explored how humans and other vectors, carriers, move invasive alien species to new areas where they disrupt established ecosystems. To illustrate the problem, I have used the iconic elm tree as a clear and symbolic marker. Dutch...
Foot Prints

Foot Prints

Foot prints In the work Splint I have explored how humans and other vectors, carriers, move invasive alien species to new areas where they disrupt established ecosystems. To illustrate the problem, I have used the iconic elm tree as a clear and symbolic marker. Dutch...
Foot Prints

Foot Prints

Foot prints In the work Splint I have explored how humans and other vectors, carriers, move invasive alien species to new areas where they disrupt established ecosystems. To illustrate the problem, I have used the iconic elm tree as a clear and symbolic marker. Dutch...